On Friday, April 3, the Department of Labor published a fourth iteration of “Questions and Answers” regarding the interpretation of the provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. If you have been following along with the earlier installments of these Q and A‘s, the new questions pick up with number 60, and continue through number 79. While most of these additional questions seem rather technical in nature, rather than adding much of new significance, clients are encouraged to review them. If you have any questions regarding the new guidance, or any other matter pertaining to the FFCRA or the COVID-19 pandemic, Please feel free to contact The Kullman Firm attorney(s) with whom you work.The full text of the updated Q and A’s may be accessed at the following link:
Since legal developments pertaining to COVID-19 are constantly evolving, we recommend that our clients call the Kullman Firm attorney(s) with whom they work for the most current guidance on these matters.